The first Japanese Amaro
Amaro Yuntaku is a visionary in the world of spirits, fusing Japanese culinary art with Italian distillation heritage. Their approach combines Okinawa's rich flavors with traditional Italian techniques, creating an Amaro that transcends cultural boundaries.
Produced in small, artisanal batches, they prioritize craftsmanship and quality, infusing unique ingredients like GOYA and Jasmine tea imported from Japan. This blend of Eastern tastes with Western methods positions Amaro Yuntaku as a leader in innovative spirit production, appealing to a global market and redefining the realm of digestives.
Alcohol: 25.0%
280,00 DKK
Om produktet 🌺
Yuntaku, verdens første japanske Amaro, forener japansk elegance og italiensk tradition. Inspireret af Okinawa-øens smagsfulde kultur og skabt i overensstemmelse med den italienske amarotradition, er Yuntaku en sublim blanding af æstetik og smag.
Ingredienser som Sichuan-peber, ingefær, surkirsebærblomster og japansk jasmin te forvandles i en nænsom proces til en exceptionel likør.
Smagsprofil 🥃
Dybt forankret i Okinawas superfood, GOYA, giver Yuntaku en unik karakter af raffineret bitterhed og subtil sødme. Med antioxidante egenskaber og kulturel betydning er GOYA hjertet af denne bemærkelsesværdige likør, der appellerer til kræsne ganer med en kompleksitet fra nøje udvalgte ingredienser.
Om producenten 🌍
Amaro Yuntaku, skabt i en historisk italiensk destilleritradition, forener håndværk og ekspertise. En hyldest til det bedste fra Okinawa og Italien, skabt med omhu af erfarne håndværkere.
Amaro Yuntaku is a visionary in the world of spirits, fusing Japanese culinary art with Italian distillation heritage. Their approach combines Okinawa's rich flavors with traditional Italian techniques, creating an Amaro that transcends cultural boundaries.
Produced in small, artisanal batches, they prioritize craftsmanship and quality, infusing unique ingredients like GOYA and Jasmine tea imported from Japan. This blend of Eastern tastes with Western methods positions Amaro Yuntaku as a leader in innovative spirit production, appealing to a global market and redefining the realm of digestives.